Thursday, June 30, 2005

Bloglines - 'DVD Jon' Breaks Google Video Lock

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News for nerds, stuff that matters

'DVD Jon' Breaks Google Video Lock

By CmdrTaco on this-guy-cracks-me-up

WillemdeMoor writes "Yahoo News runs a story on Jon Johansen, aka DVD Jon, cracking Google's in-browser video player. has some more details, including links to Johansen's patch (Win32 executable) and Jon's blog entry at"

Bloglines - Hackers, Spelling, and Grammar?

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News for nerds, stuff that matters

Hackers, Spelling, and Grammar?

By Cliff on i'm-as-guilty-as-the-next-coder

Strom Carlson asks: "Over the last few years, I've noticed that a surprisingly large number of native English speakers, who are otherwise very technically competent, seem to lack strong English skills. Mostly, this seems to manifest itself as varying degrees of poor spelling and grammar: 'definately' instead of 'definitely'; 'should of' instead of 'should have'; and I even see the names of products and companies misspelled from time to time. It baffles me that a culture so obsessed with technical knowledge and accuracy can demonstrate such little attention to detail when it comes to communicating that knowledge with others, and it baffles me even more that many people become enraged when you attempt to help them correct and learn from their mistakes. Do hackers and geeks just not care about communicating effectively? Do they not realize that a mediocre command of written English makes them appear less intelligent? Am I missing something here?"

Bloglines - HLA: The High Level Assembly Programming Language

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Linux Journal   Linux Journal -

HLA: The High Level Assembly Programming Language

An introduction to Randall Hyde's project to help programmers write more readable and more powerful assembly language code.

Bloglines - Porting LinuxBIOS to the AMD SC520

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Linux Journal   Linux Journal -

Porting LinuxBIOS to the AMD SC520

Building a Linux system that will boot in seconds, not minutes, requires a custom BIOS. But thanks to a new compiler and development process, we can build a BIOS for a new motherboard with only C code-no assembly.

Bloglines - Microsoft Message Queuing Remote Buffer Overflow Exploit (MS05-017)

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Bloglines - 06/29 eduKnoppix 2.1.2

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eduKnoppix is an Italian educational distribution based on Knoppix, designed especially for teachers and pupils (age 12 up). eduKnoppix has two major features: it comes with a comprehensive range of various Mathematics packages, as well as resources to obtain the European Computer Driver's License ONLY with free software.

DistroWatch Distributions
Latest distribution releases

Bloglines - 06/27 SUSE 9.3

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SUSE LINUX is the international technology leader and solutions provider in Open Source operating system software. SUSE's unique expertise in Linux and its largest development team worldwide dedicated to Open Source software has contributed to the recognition of SUSE as the most complete Linux solution available today. With a workforce of more than 500 people worldwide, SUSE has offices throughout Europe, Latin America and in the United States, entirely focused on supporting the Linux community and Open Source development. SUSE LINUX was acquired by Novell, Inc in November 2003.

DistroWatch Distributions
Latest distribution releases

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Bloglines - Linux in Government: VMware Workstation 5

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Linux Journal   Linux Journal -
Linux Journal focuses specifically on Linux and other open-source OSes, allowing the content to be a highly specialized source of information for open-source enthusiasts.

Linux in Government: VMware Workstation 5

A look at the new VMware Workstation release--what it can and cannot do.

Bloglines - Where the Net's wild things are

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Tech news and business reports by CNET Focused on information technology, core topics include computers, hardware, software, networking, and Internet media.

Where the Net's wild things are

In Security

Are your systems vulnerable? Ask a few hackers--that's what Microsoft did. Also: Trojans on the march, and worms a-wriggling.

Bloglines - Spy on your friends' guilty pleasures

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Tech news and business reports by CNET Focused on information technology, core topics include computers, hardware, software, networking, and Internet media.

Spy on your friends' guilty pleasures

In Blogs

Blog: Sick of Friendster? Bored of MySpace? There's a new social networking site in town, and it's got a twist that will keep even...

Bloglines - Yahoo! Orders Wikipedia Hardware

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News for nerds, stuff that matters

Yahoo! Orders Wikipedia Hardware

By timothy on big-whoop

Edit This Page writes "Jimmy Wales announced today that Yahoo! has ordered 23 HP servers for the Wikimedia Foundation. The three database servers are model DL 385, and will come with dual Athlons, 8GB of RAM, and 6x 146GB 15K RPM drives each. They will also provide rackspace and bandwidth. The announcement comes four months after Google's announcement of support, and two months after Yahoo's own. Google has not yet made their intentions clear. You can read more about the specifications of what will soon be a 100+ server cluster at the Wikimedia Servers wiki article."

Bloglines - SHOPTALK: One Chapter At A Time (

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Yahoo! News   Yahoo! News: Technology News
Technology News

SHOPTALK: One Chapter At A Time ( - Advertising in literature continues to move at a snail's pace. The latest writer to try to change that is Michael T. Owens, who is using eBay to auction off one full page of ad space in his upcoming novel, A Dream Come True. Owens, a former advertising executive with one novel already under his belt, says he's just "brainstorming cost effective, out-of-the-box ways to market. By combining the captive audience and long shelf life of a book, I'm able to create a win-win situation for me and one lucky advertiser."

Monday, June 27, 2005

Open source is inevitable

After years of fierce competition, Microsoft and Sun have decided to settle lawsuits and set aside their differences. Why? The answer won't surprise those who know Linux and open source. Today the customer is in charge. See what happened, how history and the open source movement has helped bring us to where we are today, and why open source is inevitable because it allows the customer to take control.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Intelligence Gathering Techniques

Intelligence Gathering Techniques
By Stephen Northcutt
Chapter 8 from Network Intrusion Detection: An Analyst's Handbook, published by New Riders Publishing

In Chapter 3,"Architectural Issues," we raised the issue that CIRTs have to focus primarily on compromised systems. And they do! How would you feel if you were on the phone with your CIRT trying to get information you need to deal with the latest nasty Trojan horse code, and they said, "Sorry, we are devoting all our resources to a new intelligence gathering technique"?

The wise intrusion analyst will devote a lot of attention to the prevention, detection, and reporting of mapping techniques. They know that recon is just part of the game. As attackers amass high-quality information about the layout of networks and distribution of operating systems, they allow themselves to specifically target their attacks. You do not want to allow your organization to get in a one exploit, one kill situation!

The line between exploit/denial of service and recon probe couldn't be thinner. Any exploit that fails (or succeeds) also provides intelligence about the target.

This chapter contains many traces showing information gathering techniques. We will consider some of the ways an attacker might map the network and its hosts. We will take a short look at NetBIOS-specific issues since there are so many deployed Windows systems, and finally examine some of the so-called "stealth" mapping techniques.

at :

Bloglines - Development Release: PC-BSD 0.7.5

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DistroWatch News
Latest news on Linux distributions and BSD projects

Development Release: PC-BSD 0.7.5

A new development release of PC-BSD is out: "PC-BSD 0.7.5 was released today! This updated version is now under the BSD license, and adds some new features such as multi-language support and custom partitioning within the GUI." From the changelog: "Released PC-BSD code under BSD license; added custom...

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Bloglines - 06/25 PC-BSD 0.7.5

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DistroWatch Distributions
Latest distribution releases

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Bloglines - UK firms get fresh hacker warning

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BBC News   BBC News | News Front Page | UK Edition
Updated every minute of every day

UK firms get fresh hacker warning

More than 1,000 important UK government departments and firms are given fresh advice about malicious net threats.

Bloglines - Blogs recognised 'freedom awards'

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BBC News   BBC News | News Front Page | UK Edition
Updated every minute of every day

Blogs recognised 'freedom awards'

The best weblogs on the net which defend freedom of expression are recognised in an online poll.

Bloglines - Jack S. Kilby, an Inventor of the Microchip, Is Dead at 81

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NYT > Home Page   NYT > Home Page
New York Times > Breaking News, World News & Multimedia

Jack S. Kilby, an Inventor of the Microchip, Is Dead at 81


Jack S. Kilby, an electrical engineer whose invention of the integrated circuit gave rise to the information age, died Monday in Dallas.

Bloglines - A Bridge to Success - Amy Garrett Dikkers, Joan E. Hughes, and Scott McLeod, THE Journal

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Educational Technology
News, Techniques and Theories of Effective Use of Technology in Education

A Bridge to Success - Amy Garrett Dikkers, Joan E. Hughes, and Scott McLeod, THE Journal

By Ray

A Bridge to Success In that no man's land between school technology and effective leadership, the University of Minnesota's School Technology Leadership Initiative is a welcoming bridge. I often feel that we’re stuck in a sort of ‘no man’s land’ between t

Bloglines - Will web porn domain protect kids? - eSchool News

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Educational Technology
News, Techniques and Theories of Effective Use of Technology in Education

Will web porn domain protect kids? - eSchool News

By Ray

A virtual red-light district tentatively cleared for construction on the web--the ".xxx" domain--is being billed by backers as giving the $12 billion online pornography industry a great opportunity to clean up its act. But the question remains: Will the n

Bloglines - Teachers at Work

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Educational Technology
News, Techniques and Theories of Effective Use of Technology in Education

Teachers at Work

By Ray

Teachers at Work is a website, maintained by Mark Treadwell, offering Internet tools for teachers. Key features of this website include Online Professional Development, through which teachers meet monthly to discuss online education research papers select

Bloglines - Computers for Classrooms helps many who could never afford a computer get one - LAURA URSENY, Chico Enterprise-Record

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Educational Technology
News, Techniques and Theories of Effective Use of Technology in Education

Computers for Classrooms helps many who could never afford a computer get one - LAURA URSENY, Chico Enterprise-Record

By Ray

As much as we complain about the invasion of technology and computers into our world, acquiring a computer can play a critical role in a child's education, a family's well-being and even an adult's future. While the cost of computers has come down, for m

Bloglines - Veritas Backup Exec Agent "CONNECT_CLIENT_AUTH" Request Exploit

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